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    Otterbein Elementary School Day Schedule

    School Day: 8:15 AM – 3:05 PM

        Morning Drop-off:

        - Doors open at 7:55 AM

        - Buses arrive and release breakfast students at 8:00 AM

        - Bus riders dismissed at 8:05 AM


    Afternoon Release:

        - Car riders, walkers and ASP released at 3:10 PM

        - Bus riders released at 3:25 PM


    *Office hours are 7:30 am – 4:00 pm when school is in session.*

  • Gym doors will open no earlier than 5:15 pm

  • Contact the school by 9:00 am. Students on Attendance Watch by 8:30 am

    Please let the office know if you would like to pick up homework for your child at the end of the day. Homework can also be sent home with a sibling. You may also e-mail your child’s teacher or contact the office via e-mail.

    Children may not return to school for 24 hours after they have had a fever of 100° or more, vomiting, or diarrhea.

  • Call the school at 765-583-4401 to make an appointment with the school secretary to enroll your child.

    A DIBELS Reading Screening is completed on all students before enrollment. This is a policy of the Benton Community School Corporation. Students are normally enrolled the following day. Bring your previous school address and phone number with you.

    Enrollment paperwork and tour are approximately 1 hour in length. Allow enough time to fill out the necessary paperwork. All enrollment forms must be completed to enroll your child.

  • We offer 2 separate sessions to allow parents and their children to attend. Please call the office to schedule.

  • Your child’s birth certificate (copy of certified) and your current shot records.

    Don’t forget to bring your child. They will be having a wonderful and exciting time while you complete the paperwork and learn about our school and the Kindergarten curriculum.

  • You may contact the teachers by email or by calling the school. If the teacher is not expecting a phone call the secretary will forward your call to their voicemail. All email addresses for the teachers can be located in the directory.

    We encourage parents to contact the teacher with questions or concerns regarding their child and their progress.

  • Parents must fill out a permission form for each medication the school has on their child. Medication will not be given if the proper documentation is not received.

    All medication prescribed by a doctor must be in the original bottle with the pharmacy label. Over-the-counter medicine must be in the original bottle as well.

  • The Benton Community School Corporation Attendance policy will continue to be in place. Parents are responsible for contacting their child’s teacher and the school office about the extended absence.

    Children will be encouraged to take any homework with them to prevent being further behind in the classroom schedule. Please give your child’s teacher several day's notice to allow them time to prepare any necessary work.

    This procedure is also advised for any family emergencies that require the student to miss any extended time from school.

  • Benton Community School Corporation offers all elementary students the option to attend the After-School Program also known as ASP. 

    ASP will start on the first day of school at Otterbein Elementary School and runs after school until 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. Students may attend the program daily or on scheduled days. Please note the specific days or "as needed" on the registration form. It is the parent's responsibility to inform the school if there is a change of scheduled days. A written note can be sent to the office or a phone call to the school by 2:00 pm MUST be done to change the students' school arrangements.

    Students may be picked up any time, but no later than 5:30 pm. Parents, parent-approved adults, or guardians must sign out the student from ASP. The name must be listed on the registration form or a note.

    As a reminder: the After-School Program will be closed if students are released early due to inclement weather or other emergencies.

    ASP fees are $4.00 per day or $20.00 per week per child. Students who qualify for the free-and-reduced lunch program may attend for $1.00 per day or $5.00 per week per child. Payment plans are available. Your payments are important to keep the program running.

    All students will receive snacks, one hour of homework and reading time, and one hour of recreation time.

    Watch the school newsletter for updates about the program.

    If you have any questions, please call Otterbein Elementary at 765-583-4401

  • Otterbein currently offers no Title I programs.

    We offer Reading Recovery for Kindergarten and 1st grade. 1st grade Reading Recovery begins in mid-September and Kindergarten Reading Recovery begins the 2nd semester.

  • Students are assessed using the Star Reading Test. This computerized program is a component of the Renaissance Learning Program. STAR (Standardized Testing for the Assessment of Reading) is used as a formative assessment and periodic progress-monitoring technology to enhance the curriculum, support differentiated instruction, and personalize practice in reading. The STAR test is designed to help students find the appropriate level where they can be challenged, yet successful. This enables us to personalize practice and individual instruction. The test will be given at least three times a year to track student progress over time. We can use this information to drive instruction and report student progress to parents.

    Once the students and their teachers learn what their reading zone is, students are encouraged to select books to read within their zone. The classroom teacher sets individual reading goals based on the reading level of the student. Some teachers set weekly, monthly, or nine-week goals. The student uses a reading log to record the books they read. Classroom teachers monitor these logs and conference with their students regarding progress toward their goals. Each classroom provides appropriate rewards for students who reach their goals. If students make both goals first semester they are invited to go to the movies. Students who make three out of four goals go bowling in May. Any student making all four goals is recognized at the end of the year with an additional treat.

    • We agree with Renaissance Learning Company that Accelerated Reader:
    • Makes essential reading practice more effective for every student.
    • Personalizes reading practice to each student’s current level.
    • Manages all reading activities including read to, read with, and independent reading.
    • Assess students’ reading with four types of quizzes: Reading Practice, Vocabulary Practice, Literacy Skills, and Textbook Quizzes.
    • Build a lifelong love of reading and learning.
  • We highly encourage our parents to be active in their child’s education. We offer many opportunities for parents, grandparents, and extended families to have an interactive role in their child’s education.

    If you are new to our school we encourage you to stop by the office and pick up a volunteer form. This form offers a variety of areas to volunteer for our school. Some samples are Room Parent, Library Parent, S.P.I.K.E. (Special People In Kid’s Education), and our annual and very successful Holiday Shop just to name a few. We also have an Otterbein Parent-Teacher Organization that is open to all parents.

    The OPTO meets once a month on the 3rd Monday of each month. They offer a variety of committees to work on which provide support activities for the staff and students of Otterbein. The OPTO provides free daycare during their meetings. Just stop by the office for a form, or feel free to contact your child’s teacher or the OPTO Members. Numbers can be obtained from the school office.

  • Every parent is automatically a member of the Otterbein Parent Teacher Organization (OPTO). The OPTO serves as a liaison between the Staff and the parents of Otterbein Elementary. We work together to come up with new ideas to promote education academically, physically, artistically, and verbally.

    Some of the activities that the OPTO sponsors or supports include the Spring Fling (an indoor carnival), Holiday Shop (where student can do their own Christmas shopping), the AR program, the Fluoride treatment program, the SPIKE (Special People In Kids’ Education) program, and teacher appreciation (usually in the form of food).

    Most recent accomplishments are the purchase of a marquee sign for the front of the school where messages can be posted, and giving each classroom teacher a digital camera to use in their classroom.

    Meetings are held every 3rd Monday of the month during the school year at 7:00 pm in the school library. Childcare is provided free of charge. We’d love to have you join us!

  • Benton Community School Corporation does not have a Gifted & Talented Program.

    However, Otterbein Elementary does use differentiated instruction to help enrich the curriculum.

  • Student lunch is $1.90 per day. Extra milk is $0.30.

  • A monthly menu will be sent home shortly before the first of the month.

    The menu can also be found on the school corporation’s website and in Harmony.

  • Yes! We welcome you to have lunch with your child.

    If you would like to eat lunch, please call the school office before 9:00 am with your choice of either entrée. Adult lunch is $3.00. You may also bring your lunch or bring lunch for you and your child.

    Please remember that Otterbein Elementary School is a peanut-free/nut-free facility. Recess is encouraged.

  • Harmony offers a variety of options to view your child’s progress. The school’s objective is to allow all parents/guardians the ability to log on and see their child’s progress in either daily grades or postings by their current homeroom teacher.

    The goal is to eventually pay tuition, lunches, and other school fees through this program. Teachers will be able to post notes to parents, give homework assignments, and list upcoming events for the classroom. We currently are using the system for mid-term reports and 9-week grading cards.

    The school secretary will send out emails on early release, school closings, or other weather-related events. The important factor in this communication process is to make sure your child’s school has current and updated information

  • When children are enrolled in school they are provided a log-in account and password.

    Instructions are sent home with the students and can also be sent via e-mail. The letter will have your child’s login information and password.

    If you are having problems with your Harmony program the school office can provide you with a telephone number or you may contact the help line on the Harmony support.

    Your student’s user ID is provided by the school; however, you may change your password. If you have questions we recommend you contact Harmony.